Innovations in hernia surgery:
The Löhde Operation for sustainable therapeutic success

The Löhde Concept sets new standards in hernia surgery through the use of DeltaMesh technology, which was developed specifically to minimize recurrences and chronic symptoms of diaphragmatic hernia. Clinical data show that the method significantly reduces post-operative stress and sustainably restores anatomical integrity.

Key results of Dr. Löhde's 10-year study with 1,351 hiatal hernias

Low recurrence rate: In long-term observation, only 6% of patients had a relapse after DeltaMesh hiatus reconstruction, which represents a significant reduction compared to conventional methods with recurrence rates of up to 30%.

Low prevalence of chronic pain: Chronic postoperative pain occurred in just 2% of patients, whereas conventional procedures show chronic pain symptoms in up to 10% of cases.

DeltaMesh stabilization: To ensure long-term diaphragmatic stability, the specially developed DeltaMesh network is used, which meets high shape and stability requirements.

Source: Eckhard Löhde et al (2022) Results of a prospective, uncontrolled, single-arm study of 1,351 patients with hiatal hernia operated on exclusively with DeltaMesh hiatal reconstruction over a 10-year period; Laparosc Surg 2022; 6:2

The patented DeltaMesh — A groundbreaking, innovative solution for modern hernia surgery

The patented DeltaMesh surgical network was developed over many years of research. The use of the network is legally protected by an international patent to ensure that it is used exclusively for diaphragmatic operations. Through these protective measures, we want to ensure that the network's application is not modified and that its effectiveness, integrity and medical success are maintained. We want to prevent the network from being used improperly and causing damage to patients.

We are happy to provide experienced surgeons with free usage rights so that more patients can benefit from the benefits of our specialized network and ensure the highest standards of surgical use. Please contact us.

Ergebnisse einer 10-jährigen Studie: 1.351 Hiatushernien-Patienten, operiert mit DeltaMesh.

Laparoscopic Surgery, 2022

Dr. med Eckhard Löhde

MRT-basierte Einblicke: Die Rolle der Herzperistaltik bei der Refluxkontrolle nach Hiatushernien-OP

Laparoscopic Surgery, 2022

Dr. med Eckhard Löhde

Aufnahme, Kinetik und Verteilung des monoklonalen Anti-CEA-Antikörpers: Experimentelle Grundlagenanalyse bei menschlichem Kolonkarzinom

J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 119 (Suppl):65

Dr. med Eckhard Löhde

DeltaMesh-Technologie: Wissenschaftlicher Hintergrund und technische Anmerkungen zur innovativen Methode

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Die Rolle des Polypeptids C5a auf neutrophile Granulozyten bei bakterieller Peritonitis

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Gezielte Behandlung von kolorektalem Karzinom mit monoklonalen Antikörpern im Ex-vivo-Perfusionsmodell

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Komplementaktivierung als Ursache von Organschäden bei nekrotisierender Pankreatitis

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Akkumulationseigenschaften von humanen Kolonkarzinomen nach ex vivo-Perfusion mit monoklonalen Antikörpern

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Komplementaktivierte Granulozyten als Ursache autologer Gewebsschädigung beim Menschen

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Versorgung postoperativer Komplikationen nach Eingriffen aufgrund von Peritonitis

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Verschluss des Ductus cysticus – Erfahrungen bei 1.750 laparoskopischen Cholezystektomien

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Zukunftsperspektiven und technische Entwicklungen der minimal-invasiven Chirurgie

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Dr. med Eckhard Löhde